Sunday, July 20, 2008


Alarm clocks! What’s the point? No really. Cuz if there is one, a point that is, what’s the point of being able to switch it off anytime it gets too frikkin irritating. And then stupid people blame YOU for not being able to trip your way to class…which you try your best to do and suddenly CRAP! You’ve just been dreaming…

I need sleep. Seriously. It’s like the ONLY state where cgpa and stuff cease to matter. That DOESN’T happen. Ever. Here it’s like everything you do in one semester – laugh, crib, study, have fun, dance/ engage self in twiddling thumbs/ bitch about how you are simply talentless and blame it all on religion or politics... ; anyway all that’s penned down and ultimately succumb to stupid calculations on stupid computers (which is incidentally, a stupid machine which you can just shut down when you’re tired of it)… erm... I think I lost track … yeah so your life in one WHOLE semester, becomes a three-digit decimal. It’s so-o unfair.

What I did today? Oh nothing of much importance. Oh yeah I cribbed. Something about Cumulative Grade Point Average, all over a piece of paper, that people will probably be spitting chewing gum into in the near future. Poor, unsuspecting idiots.

You know what I really want to be? A dog. A BITSian dog (yes that’s a species). Just wag my stupid tail and people will feed crumbs off the table to the poor, dirty, dumb animal that hasn’t got a life. Dude! At least mine isn’t a three-digit decimal. And ‘dirty’ – I don’t take baths anyway.

And if life at Bits gets too boring, ooooh looky here, we have culturals!!! (yayyyy…NOT!). We have one for every occasion. Or no occasion.

Anyway it’s all just a battle between these nutty professors who try and teach us stuff (they don’t give a shit really) and us, these fearless souls who were oh-so-sinfully tricked into the engineering stream with false promises of minimal hard work. We refuse to be tamed though.
The hour long lectures (biology being a particular favourite) were spent in scribbling all over the last pages of my bio notebook, mostly about how the bio teacher in question was an evolutionary aberration (with little footnotes at the bottom and references to the bitsian evolutionary scale) or what would happen if all the hundred or so students in the lecture hall were to fart simultaneously. Etcetera.

There are students who actually listen though. Glasses in place, oil-slicked hair, they listen in rapt attention to that shitload of haloobashentonian (that's what it sounds like anyway) and take NOTES!! *expletive*

And so we lurched on. Without a purpose or meaning in life, when an angel from the heavens (sithlord this is you), put forth an idea that was going to change our lives. *pregnant pause*

The idea of putting up, that trash we had rambled all over the last pages of my bio notebook, on a blog.

However just then, we noticed a very interesting dog, spotted in all the right/wrong places and the idea that was going to change our lives vanished in a wisp of forgetfulness. Finite incantatem. The end.

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